The “Goat’s Eyes” projectヤギの目で社会を見る、「ヤギの目」プロジェクト
In the “Goat’s Eyes” project we propose a new kind of “arts centre,” focused on the two goats kept on the Toride campus. Building on the interest and curiosity that have resulted from living with the goats, we aim to create a “see-through arts centre” with no roof or walls, and foster a space where different people and generations come together for diverse cultural exchange across different fields.
Through building on the relationships given and received as a result of living with the goats, not only will the materials and resources used in our creations get reused throughout the project, but we will create an archive of techniques etc. to make society more sustainable. The “Goat’s Eyes” project is an artistic initiative that will contribute to solving social and environmental issues by increasing awareness of these issues in people’s daily lives.
『ヤギの目で社会を見る、「ヤギの目」プロジェクト』では、 取手校地で飼育している2匹のヤギを中心とした新たな様式となる「アーツセンター」を提案していきます。ヤギとの生活を通して生まれた興味や好奇心を骨格に、屋根も壁もない「透明なアーツセンター」を形成し、様々なヒトや世代が集まり多様な文化・分野の交わる場を醸成していくことを目指します。
共催:特定非営利活動法人 取手アートプロジェクトオフィス・取手市
助成:野村財団 2021年度前期