A sensory room project that uses art to make environments more accessible for people with disabilities障害者の困難な体験環境をアートで解決するセンサリールームプロジェクト
For children with developmental disorders (on the autistic spectrum) or with hypersensitivity, who don’t cope well with loud noises, being looked at by strangers, unpredictable events or other unfamiliar situations, sporting venues present too much stimulation. As a result, many of these children never get the chance to watch sport live. There is a need at Japanese sporting venues for sensory rooms that allow children with these conditions, and their families, to spectate in peace. A sensory room is a room that is not too brightly lit, and that is insulated against loud noises and voices, where people can spectate away from the crowds and out of public view. They are run by specialist staff.
For this project, we are working with the Japan Football Association to look from an artistic perspective at the different problems faced by those who struggle with watching live sport. We will research and build a sensory room to install in an actual football stadium. People with hypersensitivity differ in terms of what they struggle with and what they find comfortable, so there is no set design for sensory rooms. By combining a scientific and welfare angle with a design and artistic perspective, we aim to explore a style of spectating that is not limited to that of conventional sensory rooms.
公益財団法人日本サッカー協会【天皇杯 JFA 第102回全日本サッカー選手権大会】にてお披露目されました。