[ ドキュメンタリー映画、シンポジウム、webサイトでの公開 ]


Director: Sybilla Patrizia, Producer: Clementine Nuttall

2020年12月下旬 / end of December 2020

ウェブサイトにて発表 / On Website


PLASTIC LOVE! is a vibrant and bold cinematic documentary film, unraveling the complex system of production, consumption, and waste management that surround Japans intrinsic love for plastic.
Listening to Japans most innovative thinkers – from the depths of the ocean all the way to outer space – we start a journey searching for sustainable, Japan-made solutions that may save us and our planet from a plastic-wrapped future…

PLASTIC LOVE! will be released in 2021. A short trailer will be released on our website at the end of 2020.
