[ Zine publication and launch event、ZINEの刊行とローンチイベント ]
aliwen, Chloe Paré, Hanna Hirakawa

Dig a Hole Zines
都杉並区高円寺北3-8-12 4階
3-8-12 Koenji, Suginami-ku, Tokyo, 4th Floor, 166-0002
「のぼる」is a zine about seas and mountains that explores the potential of ecology, randomness, and queer families. It is a collective project that pieces together our entangled life experiences with the environments that surround us. Through this zine, we invite the reader to encounter their own fragmented affective memories, through our very personal and yet mutually compelling propositions. 「のぼる」consists of captured photos, diary entries, and moments indirectly linked to the shaping of our lives, accompanied by a manifesto and footnotes that describe verbally the concept. The zine aims to highlight the significance of diffraction, abstract imagination, and later reflection in knowledge production.
Dig A Hole Zines: https://digaholezines.com/